deKay's Lofi Gaming

Pokémon Shuffle (3DS): COMPLETED!

A few years ago, I stopped (with rare exceptions) playing games on my iPhone. The App Store had become swamped with F2P games with IAPs and other abbreviations, and even “traditional” games had been drugged with mechanisms designed to only allow play if you keep buying gold, or gems, or whatever for ridiculous prices. “Sonic had run out of jumps! Buy 10 jumps for £2.99?”. No. And yet here is Nintendo, perhaps the last bastion of proper games, releasing a …

Things I’ve been playing recently

Roundup! Mega Man 7 (Wii U) It’s been a few months since I started Mega Man 7. I think, after ploughing through Mega Mans 1-6 I may have had a bit of Mega Man burnout, and I was a bit disappointed with 7 anyway as it didn’t feel right. Anyway, I’m back on it now and have taken down the first lot of four Robot Masters. I’m enjoying it, and it does feel more like the NES games than it …

Things I’ve been playing recently

Roundup time! Yakuza 4 (PS3) It’s been a while since I played Yakuza 3. I did really enjoy it, but never got round to picking up Yakuza 4, probably because it was a PS3 game and I don’t really like playing PS3 games, however good they are. However, for reasons I won’t explain, I got a PS+ subscription and with it came Yakuza 4. I’m a few hours in, and have spent most of the game so far watching cut …

Completed 2015

Fantasy Life (3DS 03/01/2015) Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure (Wii U 20/01/2015) The Starship Damrey (3DS 21/01/2015) SteamWorld Dig (Wii U 30/01/2015) Picross e5 (3DS 31/01/2015) Weapon Shop de Omasse (3DS 04/02/2015) 3D Afterburner II (3DS 06/02/2015) Shovel Knight (Wii U 09/02/2015) Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition (Wii U 10/02/2015) 3D Fantasy Zone (3DS 15/02/2015) Rock Boshers DX (Vita 17/02/2015) Mario Golf: World Tour (3DS 19/02/2015) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (360 20/02/2015) Pokémon Shuffle (3DS 28/02/2015) Assassin’s Creed: Rogue …